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In Jesus' precious and holy name, we are honored and blessed to serve.

Healthy groceries and fresh produce are often a luxury that so many in this area can't afford. Crossroads World Outreach Ministries strives to create and maintain partnerships that allow us to help families and individuals in this regard. All are welcomed to the help we offer with open arms and hearts.

January was an amazing month! We're happy to report that with the Lord's blessing, and YOUR help, we accomplished the following:

-Acquired and distributed 

4,159 pounds of food

to 314 people -

an average of 13.245 lbs. of food per person. 

    96 of those people were RETURNING for assistance.

    218 of those people were NEW to our services.

267 pounds of clothing and household items to people in need.

We provide as much as we possibly can to everyone. Thank you to Whole Foods, Mid-Ohio Foodbank and some fantastic individuals who provide these items, as well as to our awesome volunteers who work so hard each and every week to make this all possible.

-Received In-Kind Donations of

Plastic bags, clothes

-Building Funds 

As of the end of this month, we've been blessed to recieve $12,455 of our $36,000 goal for purchasing the land and building here at 165 S. Cypress Avenue in Columbus, Ohio. Visit our Building on Faith campaign and donation page at GoFundMe for the most current updates.


As of the end of this month, we have 2 personal partners, 2 ministry partners, and 0 corporate partners who've pledged to give monthly.

Many of the people that come through our doors are working people that simply can't afford groceries after paying the bills. Some are even less fortunate and are often in need of weather-appropriate clothing, being homeless. Others may have medical and/or mental issues that make working, or even day-to-day living, difficult. We see many families, as well as single moms and dads out here trying their best to provide healthy meals and decent clothing for growing children. And senior citizens in the area seem to have a hard time stretching their budgets after paying for medications and bills. 

There are numerous other scenarios that apply; we could go on and on. The point being, the need for food and clothing, and the lack of available cash and resources to obtain them, does not discriminate. Young, old, working, unemployed, healthy and sick - all are equally hurting and in need. Please consider giving of your time or resources as you can to help.

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